
●手続きの流れ 詳細はコチラ

① このページの注意事項を確認し、同意の上、次ページへ進み、申込情報を入力します。
② 三井住友カード(株)WEBサイトに遷移し、金融機関の選択、口座情報の入力を行います。
③ 各金融機関のWEBサイトに遷移し、各金融機関別に、口座名義人の本人確認・認証を行います。
④ 「収納企業へ戻る」などのボタンを押下(必須)し、三井住友カード(株)WEBサイトへ戻ります。
⑤ 申込手続結果画面が表示されます。
⑥ 「お申込み受付サイトへ戻る」のボタンを押下し、東京大学WEBサイトへ戻ります。



※ 金融機関ごとのメンテナンススケジュール(PDFファイル)は、上記リンク先ページの下部にあります。
※ 各金融機関WEBサイトの利用可能時間は、予告なく変更となる場合があります。詳細は、各金融機関WEBサイトにてご確認ください。
※ 上記リンク先の「利用可能金融機関一覧」に記載のない金融機関では、インターネットでの口座振替受付ができませんが、書面でのお申込みは可能な場合がありますので、ご希望の場合はご所属の学部・研究科の窓口へお申し出ください。(全国の漁業協同組合、全ての信託銀行、一部の信用組合は書面での申込みが可能です。)



※ 口座振替予定月については、東京大学WEBサイトをご確認ください。


・ 本WEBサイトにより取得した個人情報は、三井住友カード(株)への提供及び本学における授業料口座振替業務のみに利用します。
・ 本学は授業料口座振替業務の一部を業者に委託する場合がありますが、この場合、本学及び当該業務の委託を受けた業者は、上記利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて個人情報を利用することはありません。
・ 情報はすべて日本国内において受領のうえ国内のサーバ・書庫等に保存し、法令及び国立大学法人東京大学の規程類に基づき適切に管理します。
・ 欧州経済領域(EEA)在住の方から取得した情報については、上記のほか、EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)に基づき適切に管理します。




This page allows you to register a new account to pay the tuition fees for the University of Tokyo automatically, or to change an existing account information.
The registration procedure uses the "Kessai Station", a receiving agent service provided by Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. (hereafter, SMCC).
If you complete the online registration, you will NOT be required to submit a completed, signed/sealed direct debit request form to the university.

●Overview of Registration Procedures

① Read this page carefully before agreeing and entering your registration information on the next page.
② You will be taken to the SMCC website (Japanese only) to select your bank and enter your account information.
③ You will then be taken to your bank's website (Japanese only) to verify your identity.
④ On your bank's website, you will be required to click a button, usually marked "収納企業へ戻る" (return to receiving agent service) etc., to return to the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. website. (Required)
⑤ A screen showing your registration results will be displayed.
⑥ Click the button labeled "お申込み受付サイトへ戻る" (return to registration site) to return to the University of Tokyo website.


1.Eligible Banking Institutions

Please check the below link for a list of eligible banking institutions, and the operating hours for each.
※ A maintenance schedule for each bank (PDF document) can be found at the bottom of the page linked above.
※ The operating hours of your bank's website may change without notice. For details, please check your bank's website.
※ If your bank is not on the list of eligible banking institutions, you cannot automatically transfer tuition fees from your account.

2.Registration Period

New students should complete their account registration within the period specified by their faculty / graduate school.
Students who were enrolled at the University of Tokyo in the previous semester and paid their tuition fee by direct debit do not need to complete the procedure. (If you are moving onto a graduate school or transfering into another undergraduate faculty, you can continue to use the account information already registered.)
For others, registration of a new account or changing account information should be performed not later than the last day of the month before the month in which the transfer is scheduled. Check your student ID number before doing this.

※ Please check the “The University of Tokyo website” for automatic tuition fee payment dates.

3.Handling of Personal Information

・ The personal information obtained by this website will be provided to Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. and used solely for the collection of tuition fees for the University of Tokyo.
・ If any part of the automatic tuition fee transfer process is entrusted to third parties by the University of Tokyo, neither the university nor the relevant third party will use the personal information in a manner that exceeds the scope of the above-stated objective.
・ All information collected in Japan will be stored on servers/in archives located in Japan and managed in accordance with Japanese laws and the University of Tokyo regulations.
・ Information collected from persons residing in the European Economic Area (EEA) will be managed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in addition to the above.

※See here for “The University of Tokyo Privacy Policy”.

4.Direct Debit Regulations
(Not applicable to direct debit from JP Bank)

1. When an invoice is delivered to my bank (credit union or association),the billed amount shall be transferred from my deposit account without notifying me. In this case, regardless of the direct debit regulations, I will not submit a passbook or savings withdrawal form.
2. If the invoiced amount is greater than the balance of my deposit account on the date of the direct debit, the bank (credit union or association) may return the invoice without notifying me.
3. I shall report to my bank (credit union or association) in writing when I cancel this contract. Unless otherwise requested by me, the bank (credit union or association) may deem this contract as terminated if there are relevant reasons, such as when no invoice has been submitted for a long period without my notification.
4. In the case of any dispute arising in connection with this direct debit, I shall attempt to resolve the dispute directly without involving the bank (credit union or association) unless responsibility lies with the bank (credit union or association).

In case of choosing JP Bank, the regulation for automatic transfer is applied.

Please read the above carefully and check the box (☑) to indicate your consent.


You must enter your Student Number when registering.

【Contact Information】
 Income and Liability Team, Accounting Group, Finance Department
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All information that you enter is encrypted with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology and transmitted securely.