This is the Hitotsubashi University Tuition Fees and Accommodation Fees Direct Debit Registration page.

Residence Hall Keimeikan accommodation fees cannot be paid by direct debit.

提携金融機関 Eligible Banking Institutions

Please check the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited website for the financial institution that can be registered via the Internet.

新入生の方 for New Students

This is direct debit registration for new Students of 2024 Autumn Enrollment.

Please follow one of the procedures ① through ③ below to pay tuition by direct debit.
The deadline for the procedures is Friday, September 13, 2024.
If you are unable to open an account by the due date, please register from the lower Current Students page as soon as you have opened an account.
If you want to register an account for accommodation fees, you need to follow the procedure in ④ within 10 days after entering the residence halls.


I want to register a tuition transfer account via the Internet.
(This is also the case if you want to debit the accommodation fees from the same account as the tuition fees)
As I paid tuition fees by direct debit at Hitotsubashi University in the 2023 or 2024 academic year,I want to take over the same account.
(用紙に記入・捺印の上、大学に返送する必要があります) ≪9月10日(火)必着≫
I want the university to send me a paper form to register my account, as I am unable to do so via the internet.
Paper form must be completed, signed and returned to the university.
Must arrive no later than Tuesday, September 10.
I want to transfer my accommodation fees from a different account than my tuition,
or I do not have to pay tuition but I pay accommodation fees.

在学生の方 for Current Students

● 授業料は引落月の前月末までに手続きが必要です。
● 寄宿料は引落月の前月10日までに手続きが必要です。
・Tuition payment account registration must be completed by the end of the month prior to the month of debit.
・Accommodation fees payment account registration must be completed by the 10th of the month prior to the month of debit.

I want to register a new or change my tuition and accommodation fees transfer account.

問合せ先 Contact us

国立大学法人一橋大学 経理課経理係 Hitotsubashi University Accounting Division
E-mail: acc-ss.g@ad.hit-u.ac.jp
Tel: 042-580-8078(受付時間 Open hours 平日 Weekdays 9:30~12:00、13:00~16:30)

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